This pilot envisions to validate the THREAT-ARREST platform and provide feedback in regards to its effectiveness in the shipping industry.A system of this kind involves (i) multiple types of data and (ii) numerous stakeholders, which results in it being considered as a significantly high-risk ICT system. To that end, within this pilot, scenarios will be built and training will be designed towards advanced cyber threats and security attacks related to (a) machine failure, (b) sensors’ failure and (c) performance monitoring subsystem failure. Existing security procedures will be incorporated to the THREAT-ARREST training platform, and at the same time advanced threats will also be identified and considered in the envisioned scenarios. This THREAT-ARREST application will increase security awareness in shipping ICT systems’ operators and, security attacks related to the aforementioned failures are expected to be minimized. Moreover, this pilot will help towards identifying specific threats jeopardizing the operations of ICT systems in the Shipping Management industry and (ii) engaging multiple stakeholders from the
shipping industry in the exploitation of the THREAT-ARREST training platform.